Mission & Justice

...on earth as it is in heaven

Jesus called his first followers to pray for God's will to be done "on earth as it is in heaven". Put simply, it's a call to partner with God to bring heaven to earth. 

We do this through practical acts of compassion, mercy, justice, hospitality, peacemaking and radical neighbour love; sharing Jesus' message of hope, salvation, reconciliation and renewal as we go. 

At H3O, there are many ways in which you can join in this mission of announcing and demonstrating the good news that through Jesus, God is reconciling and healing the world. Here's just a few...

Horizons Family Law Centre - Free Northern Beaches Legal Clinic

H3O Church partners with Horizons, a Christian charity and community legal centre that provides free and low cost legal help to people experiencing domestic violence and high conflict family breakdown.

Our lead pastor, Todd Darvas, works bi-vocationally as a family lawyer with Horizons, running their free Northern Beaches legal clinic on Tuesdays from the church building. 

We believe that all people deserve to be able to access legal help regardless of their background or financial situation. As more families experience crisis, we are here to work in the gaps and provide free and low-cost legal support.


Through COACH Community Mentoring, H3O trains and equips volunteer mentors to come alongside people who are doing it tough. A mentor is simply a "friend with purpose" who helps someone to set life goals, and provides support and empowerment towards reaching them. COACH stands for Creating Opportunities and Casting Hope - and that's exactly what our mentors seek to do!

COACH Network provides community strengthening initiatives that empower individuals and families, breaking generational cycles of poverty and family breakdown. You can find out more via the link below...


Financial distress is a lonely and isolating experience, it is a journey no one should walk alone. At H3O we partner with Christians Against Poverty to provide regular courses, and one-on-one mentoring, to help people to budget, save and spend well. To find out about our next course, email us via the link below!

First Nations Justice and Reconciliation

H3O Church is deeply committed to pursuing reconciliation and justice with and for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders sisters and brothers through prayer, action and friendship. Click below to find out more...