Kids and Youth

Young people aren't just the future of the church - they are the church! At H3O, kids belong, kids participate, and kids lead us in the way of Jesus.


During our Sunday gathering, we offer spaces where kids can connect and grow.
In school terms during our 4pm Gathering we run

Creche (toddlers to kindy) 
Creche has a simple rhythm of afternoon tea, interactive Bible story time, and creative play. You are welcome to leave your child or stay with them. 

H3O Kids (years 1-5)
Our goal at H3O Kids is to foster faith, nurture friendship and lay a foundation for a lifelong journey with God. 

Youth (years 6+)
Our youth gather on Sundays to go deeper in their faith together. There's good food and honest conversation about the things that really matter.

We begin every gathering with a time of intergenerational worship. Kids don't take a back seat at H3O - rather you'll often find them out the front with a guitar or microphone in hand, or dancing in the aisles, or sharing with the whole church something they have been learning in their kids/youth ministry. We believe that children have as much to teach adults as adults have to teach children, which is why Jesus says we must "become like children" (Matthew 18:3) to really comprehend what is Kingdom is all about. 

Onboard Youth (Fridays)

OnBoard is our Friday Night combined youth group with Manly Life Church!

At Onboard we start with dinner and epic games and hang outs, usually followed by a short and engaging talk from one of our amazing youth leaders and a discussion group. It's a space where young people can be real, explore faith in Jesus, ask their big questions and find authentic community, belonging and purpose. 

We meet at Manly Life Church (William Street, Fairlight) from 6-8pm every Friday during school term.

Mainly Music

Mainly Music is a weekly music based playgroup for children 0-5. Sessions are full of songs, rhymes, actions and instruments, designed to engage you and your child. 

The structured 30min music session is followed by 60min of free play for kids, and excellent barista coffee and chats for parents and carers.

$5 per family per session

Spaces are limited! Click below to inquire or enrol via email.