What does it mean to follow Jesus?

If you hang around Christians for a while, you'll probably hear them describe themselves as a "follower of Jesus". Jesus' original invitation to a rag-tag group of ordinary and unimpressive first century Jews (who we now know as the "disciples") was simply to "come and follow me". It was an invitation to become an apprentice to Jesus, to literally follow in his footsteps with the goal of becoming more and more like him in the whole of your life. And it's still Jesus' invitation to you today.

But what does it look like to be a disciple, or apprentice, of the rabbi Jesus from Nazareth in 21st Century Sydney? Put simply, it means you re-organize your life around three goals: 

1. Be with Jesus 
2. Become like Jesus
3. Do what Jesus did.

Our experience is that when we live this way, our lives, our communities, and our city will be transformed.

The journey begins here...

H3O offers regular courses for people who are exploring what it would look like for them to follow Jesus in their day to day life.

The Alpha Course

Start here! The Alpha Course is a series of interactive sessions that explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief.

At Alpha, we connect over a meal, watch a video and have open conversations where no question is off limits and everyone's views are respected. Alpha usually runs weekly from 7-9pm over 6-8 weeks. 

Practicing the Way Course

The Practicing the Way Course is an introduction to spiritual formation in the way of Jesus. The course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. 

Through this course, you’ll form a foundational understanding of intentional spiritual formation, and learn age-old Christian spiritual practices that will open your life up to God's transforming love and grace. We’ll explore how to follow Jesus in our busy, distracted, and increasingly secular culture.